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Worms, Germany recent comments:

  • Prinz-Carl-Anlage (former Taukkunen Barracks), (guest) wrote 14 years ago:
    I was stationed in Worms with the 67th AAA gun Btn, Oct 1952 to Oct 1954. The kassern was known then as Focht Kassern. Across the parade ground was the 12th Armored Infantry Btn and 315th Signal Btn. There was considerable war damage at that time that had not been rebuilt. We were only allowed to wear class A uniforms when off post. I know things have changed in Worms but I have several black & white snapshots showing part of the old barracks and surrounding area if anyone is interested.
  • Prinz-Carl-Anlage (former Taukkunen Barracks), SIERRA (guest) wrote 15 years ago:
    I was stationed in Worms at the time it was decommisioned in 96, in 5th Sig Cmd DCSLOG (Deputy Chief of Staff Logistics) for C&E SATCOM affairs. I recall all the work involved in removing the old furniture , tons of boxes or paperwork, basically emptying the buildings. Worms is a beautyful city, with wonderful surroundings. It left many good memories of long bike rides to Mainz, long 20-25 miles marches in the beautiful countryside while training for Nijmegen, or the annual River water festival where we participated in the Fishermen parade waving and saying "Ahoy" It was sad to see Taukkunen Barracks close down, but it seems a little sad they have not fully utilized the space left behind. Mannheim was nice, but did not have the charm of good Worms. I have been back in Germany several times in the past 3-4 years as a civilian working for a German Company (mostly to Ffm), but will like to take the time to bring my wife and kids one day to show them the charms of Worms and this region.
  • Westend-Elementary School former Worms American Elementary School, chazman (guest) wrote 15 years ago:
    I went to school here in 1977 and had Mr Engler for sixth grade. He was one of my favorite teachers as well.
  • Prinz-Carl-Anlage (former Taukkunen Barracks), derwhite (guest) wrote 15 years ago:
    I was stationed at USTASCOMEUR at Taukkunen Barricks from about January 1969 to June 71 as part of the DCSSVC (Deputy Chief of Staff Services). I worked in the Commissary Section managing transportation issues for commissory stores throughout Germany, NATO-SHAPE and Italy. Lived in the barracks just to the left of the front entrance for about three months, and they moved to a house "on the economy" with my wife in Heppenheim about 5 miles west of Worms. I really enjoyed being stationed in Worms and in Germany. My job required quite a bit of travel around Germany to various commissaries. Saw a lot of the country and really enjoyed it. One of my favorite places was a pizza restaurant in an old building located a few blocks east and south of the Kaserne. They had the best pizza and we went there quite often. Noticed from the arial pictures that the kaserna was essently empty and abandoned. Always wanted to come back to Worms and see it again, but so far have not made it. Probably won't. Viewing the aerial pictues on Google is probably as close as I will come. Charlie White Scottsdale, Arizona USA. 1/7/10
  • Westend-Elementary School former Worms American Elementary School, (guest) wrote 15 years ago:
    I lived in Lorsch but went to school in Worms. I had Mr. Engler and he turned out to be one of my favorite all time teachers. Some of my friends were Mimi Gibson, Tom Fish and Addison Austin.
  • Libenauer Feld - former Thomas-Jefferson-Village, (guest) wrote 15 years ago:
    I went to school there in 1973. Mr. Engler was my teacher...Great guy....
  • Prinz-Carl-Anlage (former Taukkunen Barracks), plaNETerry wrote 15 years ago:
    I was stationed here from 09-13-1991 until 12-22-1994. Loved every day I was here. Lived in the barracks on the SW corner of the kaserne...building 5802, 3rd floor, the room just to the left of the bathroom...until I got married and moved to a new house just off post. Interesting to hear that my old barracks has been turned into a hotel. Good memories, good times, great food, and the best BIER you can ever have. I miss it all. T. Dibble Florida
  • Prinz-Carl-Anlage (former Taukkunen Barracks), dobreutra (guest) wrote 15 years ago:
    I was stationed here 12/25/0 to 3/10/63. On one of my trips I went to Worms to check it out. The barracks were still there, but not occupied. A guy at the back gate said there were no future plans to re-open it. The Hospital across the street by the front entrance had been completely demolished and all the buildings inside the fenced area also demolished...whole area covered by 10 ft. tall weeds. I married a German gal that worked there.....been 48 years together now. Went down town to check out my favorite beer drinking place..the Flat Top. couldn't find it. email me if you want to. Where do you now live? Harry Williams Belen, New Mexico
  • Libenauer Feld - former Thomas-Jefferson-Village, abbyjo2001 (guest) wrote 15 years ago:
    Wow, Roy, I lived there from 1957 to 1960. We lived in a four bedroom apartment, with two bathes, and maid quarters on the fourth floor. Bombed out house on the corner, baseball field in the back, AYA building and school. Remember the school had no cafeteria because kids all came home for lunch? I have looked and looked for what happened to these apartments. Do you know of any better pictures?
  • Libenauer Feld - former Thomas-Jefferson-Village, RoyLoo (guest) wrote 15 years ago:
    I lived here for 3 years, like around 1953,4,5 or so. It was a great place to live, for sure, My dad was a lower ranking enlisted man, but our apartment had 3 bedrooms and two baths, with maids quarters on the top floor! There were still bombed out buildings nearby, one right across the street in fact. Great places to play...
  • Westend-Elementary School former Worms American Elementary School, RoyLoo (guest) wrote 15 years ago:
    I went to first and second grade here in 1954 to 56 or so. I remember it fondly.
  • Prinz-Carl-Anlage (former Taukkunen Barracks), ambridget2 (guest) wrote 15 years ago:
    I lived here as a child and am trying so hard to find pictures of the barracks before 1996. I loved living here and am said to see that it is no more.
  • Westend-Elementary School former Worms American Elementary School, ambridget2 (guest) wrote 15 years ago:
    I used to go to the elementary school...I am 44 now...loved living in Worms.
  • Prinz-Carl-Anlage (former Taukkunen Barracks), DanM (guest) wrote 16 years ago:
    I was stationed at Taukkunen Barracks in 1969 and enjoyed my free time in and around Worms. Great beer, wine and food. Watched the Moon landing on a TV in a department store window.
  • Worms Cathedral, boss (guest) wrote 17 years ago:
    Soll diese Kauderwelschbeschreibung nun englisch oder deutsch sein?
  • Westend-Elementary School former Worms American Elementary School, Spiesheimer in German (guest) wrote 17 years ago:
    is today a German Elementary School!
  • Prinz-Carl-Anlage (former Taukkunen Barracks), chazman (guest) wrote 18 years ago:
    The U.S. military left the area in 1996 leaving the Germans to convert the area for civilian use. You can now find the Parkhotel Prinz Carl on the site.